A bit of leftover Christmas spirit
With both Christmas and New Years already over my social battery is thoroughly spent. This despite the fact that I really love spending time with my family.
And this Christmas was extra special since I finally got to introduce my partner to the whole gang. It was absolutely amazing.
And so, with a little bit of lingering food coma and lots of pictures to sift through I found myself still having a bit of leftover Christmas spirit. This mainly because I was really impressed by my mom.
Thinking further on the whole Christmas situation – a mom really is the glue that holds everything together. And how fucking impressive is it that a single person can have the energy and care to truck on the way a mother can?
And I was really so impressed by my own mom during these holidays. She cleaned out any wool, down, and dog hair she could find (because of my partner’s allergies), rented a place where everyone would fit, decorated said rented place, cooked, and made sure everyone got into a festive mood.
A mother really is the family glue, the rock you can lean on. A Warden – the family guardian. That’s the feeling I got. She watches over everyone she cares about, she keeps the hurtful and negative at bay.
Now don’t get me wrong – no one person is perfect. And neither is my mother. But for me, she is perfect just the way she is. She does her best, and that is all you can ask of a person. She keeps trucking on, and she really made these holidays a special time.
So anyways! This is a project I am working on currently, as a way to deal with the holiday battery drain and the build up of stress. Soon I’ll have to get back to chipping away at some commissions.
As you may have been able to guess, this one will be called Warden.
Remember to tell your mothers how much you love them!